Friday 23 March 2012

Street Art

I believe that Street Artists see beauty and potential in the most innate and boring places. A concrete wall, a tree and an old dumpster and just some of the objects below which have been beautified by talented street artists.

A tree in a knitted stocking. Amazing.

I love how street artist can see potential life in things. This face has been creates around an ivy wall of hair.

It looks like he could almost reach you!

This is beautiful - very dreamy.

Love the colours - it must take them hours to get all the correct proportions.

Adding a little beauty to a not-so-pretty building.

This is amazing - how do they get the proportions so right? And straight?

Reminiscent of a falling down castle after battle - the knight is standing in victory. Very clever.

This one is my favourite - the elephant is almost smiling as he flies.

Experimental Art? The dumping of different coloured paint at an intersections has created the most amazing pattern and colour formation as cars drive over it. Very cool.

This is Kelburn Castle in Scotland and it is amazing. Looks kind of like a dolls house now! Would love to see this in person to see its' enormity. 

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